Campagne dirette verso i media e verso il cittadino
Informazione e campagne di sensibilizzazione
Let’s make a change The “My Pain Feels Like” Campaign
A targeted campaign on pain awareness has been developed in the past years by Opusmedica and the Pain School (at that time in Montescano, Pavia, Italy) with Grunenthal.

Pain Alliance Europe was the official supporter of this project and encouraged its members to make use what has been called “Pain Box” in order to develop national campaigns of awareness. For this purpose Opusmedica developed a pain simulator box to allow participants to “feel” some of the most frequent “type of pains” by means of calibrated stimuli of different intensities and modalities.
The campaign aimed to raise awareness for the burden of localized neuropathic pain patients, to support patients in their need for information about their unbearable pain, to improve the communication between patients and physicians and to improve the misdiagnosis and trial and error treatment approach.